|font:Courier New||B:0|If you know what you want from a college, this program is perfect. CollegeWhere asks you to prioritize your preferences on everything from your favorite cultural activities to how much you can pay for tuition. This multipronged approach guarantees that you’ve thought about your choice from all angles.|CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|1/2^|font:Courier New||B:O|As you select your preferences, the program ranks, by percentile, the approximately 1,600 schools on the disc by their appropriateness for you. That way, it doesn’t rule out any schools but indicates how each compares to your needs. Amazingly, after I was done with my ratings, the program ranked my alma mater at the top of the list. Talk about accuracy! |CR||CR||CR||B:1|2/2|CR|^|font:Courier New||B:0|*Helps you identify the colleges and|CR| universities that best fit your needs,|CR| preferences, and personal profile.|CR|*Estimates your chances for admission to a|CR| particular school.|CR|*Offers tips to improve your chances.|CR|*Shows you how a school matches your|CR| criteria.|CR|*Writes polished inquiry letters.|CR||CR||CR||CR|^|font:Courier New||B:0|Available on floppy and CD for Windows and Mac.|CR||CR|Windows Minimum System Requirements:|CR|* MS-DOS 3.1 |CR|* Microsoft Windows 3.1|CR|* 386 processor|CR|* CD-ROM drive |CR|* 4MB of RAM|CR|* VGA graphics (color recommended)|CR|* Mouse |CR|